
North Korean Pastor Faces Execution For Preaching the Gospel

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North Korean Pastor Faces Execution For Preaching The Gospel
July 19, 2007 – Pastor Son Jong Nam faces imminent execution by the North Korean government for preaching the Gospel in that nation.

TVC has joined with other groups and numerous U.S. Senators to campaign to have Nam released from prison and permitted to live his life without persecution and the threat of death for being a Christian witness in his country.

"We stand in solidarity with our Christian brother and faithful Pastor Nam," said TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon. "We will do whatever we can to help gain his release from prison and a death sentence."

Pastor Nam had defected from North Korea in 1998 to China with his wife, son and brother. His wife died shortly after arriving in China. It was in China where he met a South Korean missionary who led him to Christ. Nam then felt a call to be an evangelist in his native North Korea.

Before he could return to North Korea, the Chinese arrested him and kept in prison for three years and tortured. Many of his 200 fellow inmates were also Christians who had been imprisoned for studying theology in China.

TVC is calling upon its supporters to write email letters of support for Pastor Nam's release to the following individuals: Your two U.S. Senators; Secretary of State Condolezza Rice, U.N. Secretary General, and the U.N. Secretary Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) has more details on Pastor Nam's plight: The Voice of the Martyrs Media Room

TAKE ACTION: Contact your two U.S. Senators by email by using TVC's CapWiz service. Secretary of State Condolezza Rice can be contacted here: Email Comments.

The Secretary General of the U.N. can be contacted here: Feedback. The U.N. Commissioner on Human Rights can be contacted here: Human Rights Complaints.

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