
Cut and paste this info and send your own letter to Pastor Son Jong Nam

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Coltrabagar's Message:
The letter is to be mailed to the North Korean delegation to the United Nations, along with a cover letter asking the North Korean government to spare Son's life, release him from prison immediately, report on his current status and deliver the personal letter to Son.

The purpose of this letter is for it to be a personal letter from you to Pastor Son Jong Nam. Make sure that your personal information, name and address, is included on the letter and the return address on the envelope. Hand writing the address on the envelope is best. Make sure no organization's info is on the letter you send. This will help protect Pastor Son Jong Nam and make your correspondence more effective. Even if Pastor Son Jong Nam does not receive your letter, someone will know that he is not forgotten and that his plight is being taken up by many.

 clipped from www.prisoneralert.com

Son Jong Nam

Keep looking to Jesus, our only hope of heaven.

You are fighting a good fight. May you keep the faith and finish the race.

We love you and your family. We are praying for you, your family, and your guards.

I pray the eyes, ears and hearts of those who persecute you may open to Jesus.


Permanent Mission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the United Nations
515 East 72nd Street, 38-F
New York, N.Y 10021 USA

Approximate Postage Rates
Source: USA
Destination: North Korea

Weight Range

Shipping Cost

0 oz - 1 oz

$ .90

1 oz - 2 oz

$ 1.80

2 oz - 3 oz

$ 2.70

* Please check with your local post office for exact postage fees.
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